Terri Johnson, Director of Child Nutrition
email Terri, 208-448-4439 ext 5
Food Service is a customer driven department that provides nutritious food in a cost effective manner building healthy minds and bodies ready to learn.
Research has shown that there is an important, positive relationship between good nutrition and health, behavior and student learning. West Bonner School District participates in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program and the USDA Food Distribution Program. United States Department of Agriculture regulations guide our program. The menus meet the USDA specifications based on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Americans.
Free and reduced price meals are available for those children whose families meet federal income eligibility requirements. An application may be downloaded, and are also available in the school offices. To apply for free or reduced meals pricing, please complete the application form, sign and return it to your child’s school. Directions for completing the application are on the form. Both breakfast and lunch are included when a child is eligible for free and reduced price meals.
A new application must be filled out each year by October. However, if your family qualified last year for free or reduced price meals, your children may eat at last year’s determination until the new application is processed. If you did not participate in a free or reduced meals last year and are completing an application for this school year, meals must be paid for at the full price until you receive a determination letter. All applications are processed within 10 days after they are received in the food service office. Students receiving free or reduced price meals are not treated differently or singled out from those paying full price.
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Reduced Price |
$.30 |
$.40 |
Grades K-6 |
$2.25 |
$3.75 |
Grades 7-12 |
$2.75 |
$4.00 |
Adults |
$3.75 |
$5.50 |
*If a child requests a second meal the price is $4.50 for lunch and $2.50 for breakfast.
**No alternative meals will be available and only 2 charges can remain on the books for the year.
Smart snacks Product Calculator
Idaho Wellness Policy Progress Report

Free/Reduced Letter
Free/Reduced Application
Special Meal Request Application
Civil Rights Statement