Startles to a sudden, loud sound
Soothes or calms to your voice
3 - 6 MONTHS
Turns head or moves eyes to a familiar voice
Watches a speaker’s face
Enjoys rattles and other sound making toys
Plays at making noises and sounds
6 - 9 MONTHS
Responds to soft level of speech and sounds
Responds to his/her own name
Begins to understand common words like “no”,
“bye-bye” and knows Mommy and Daddy
9 - 12 MONTHS
Imitates sounds you make
Will turn and find sound in any direction
Vocalizes to get attention
Points or reaches for familiar objects
12 - 18 MONTHS
Knows the names of family members
Enjoys music and may try to dance
Imitates simple words
Follows simple spoken directions
18 - 24 MONTHS
Understands when you call from another room
Points to two or more body parts when asked
Uses jargon speech with intelligible words
Puts two or more word combinations together
(Hearing and language milestones courtesy of Idaho Sound Beginnings, The Newsletter of the Newborn Hearing Screening Consortium of Idaho)