Title One Director: Susie Luckey email
Title I-A: Improving Basic Programs is a federal program that helps students who are most at risk meet state academic standards and be proficient on state assessments. This program provides funding to districts and schools that can be used for professional development, extended-time programs, and other strategies to help raise achievement levels. Title I-A laws hold states, districts, and schools accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students.
Currently, West Bonner School District offers a Title One program in all three elementary schools (Priest River, Idaho Hill, and Priest Lake). All schools operate with a school-wide model.
Purpose of Title I is a federally funded program providing reading and math assistance for students who are near or below
grade level. It is designed to provide students with extra support in an effort to bring their academic skills to
grade level.
To qualify for a School-wide Title 1 program, a school must have at least 40% of student enrollment receiving
free or reduced lunch.
Title 1 criteria: Low performance on Stage IRI (Idaho Reading Indicator K-3) or ISAT (Idaho Standards Achievement
Test 3-6)
• Teacher referral
• Classroom performance
Title 1 Service Includes
• Inclusion Students receive assistance in the regular classroom
• Pull-out Students receive small group instruction in the Title 1 classroom
• Flexibility The team may add or delete students for assistance according to student needs
Family Involvement
West Bonner is committed to creating a partnership to provide academic success for every student
through family involvement.
IRI progress reports are presented at Parent/Teacher Conferences at the end of the 1st and 3rdquarter. Also, IRI
and ISAT scores are reported at the Annual Title 1 meeting in May.
Conferences can be scheduled at any time during the school year to review progress and discuss individual
plans for students.
More information can be found here:
Federal Programs Website